Cosmic Transmissions Incoming!
Ramblings of a Madwoman
Why the world needs your big feelings

Why the world needs your big feelings

And how to go about recognising, processing & expressing those beauties!

Most of us have grown up in a world where feelings - especially “big” feelings are not deemed appropriate, acceptable or even relevant within our society.

So we’ve learned to stuff them down, routinely numb them and avoid, dismiss and gaslight them - within ourselves as well as in those around us.

And yes - I’m talking about the HIGHS as well as the lows! This is going to make you self-reflect on those celebration moments for yourself in particular!

Our big feelings are the GOLDEN CORE of our humanity, and learning to honour, acknowledge and healthily process and EXPRESS these feelings are the key to our evolution, both individually and as a species.

Listen in for some absolute gems on:

  • How to recognise emotional funkiness beneath the surface

  • What to do about that when it feels icky

  • When numbing is actually OK, and

  • Ultimately how to harness the POWER of your big feelings for expansive magic in your life!

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Is pleasure the ultimate state of acceptance?

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Cosmic Transmissions Incoming!
Ramblings of a Madwoman
For millennia they have called us mad, disturbed and even dangerous…
But you know now that what they feared most was our divine feminine power…
The power to rebalance our world in ways they tried to make us forget, to denounce, to ridicule - even within and amongst ourselves.
Together, we can rebirth the illogical, non-linear, intangible yet visceral elements of the universe with which our planet craves reunion.
Join me as I delve into some of the most taboo subjects of our culture, unpicking and unpacking what truly lies at their beating heart.