Is your self worth intrinsically linked to our societal values of what is “worth” living for? e.g.:
Productivity & Gold-star seeking
Good girl syndrome
Taking up space
Standing out / being “loud” & wacky
Money worth
How is this affecting you and your mental/emotional, physical and spiritual health?
Can we radically shift our personal values system by coming back to the roots of our feminine instead, through:
Unconditional love, nurture & caring
Wisdom vs knowledge - ancestral, embodied, intuitive
Understanding & embracing our natural biorhythms
The intangible and multi-sensory- the ethereal, energetics of connection and nature
Creativity - big and little c! Intellectual vs embodied, expressive creativity and releasing expectations/ tangible goals.
Intuitive trust & faith
What else do you consider to be fundamental values - personal and collective - which actually help you feel valued?
Watch this episode on YouTube:
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💖 Read my Pleasure-embodiment diary:
Is pleasure the ultimate state of acceptance?
💖 Order my book, It’s Written in the Stars: Poems, reflections & transmutations on becoming
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